Database of Natural History Collections of the Faculty of Biology AMU


Millions of data stored in over 2 million of records, developed in accordance with the international ABCD and Darwin Core standards, make up a huge database, which can be easily used for research into algae, plants, fungi, lichens, and animals.

The AMUNATCOLL website and GBIF platform employed to share the data on so many specimens and fieldwork observations, collected for the last 200 years on all continents, give researchers from all over the world new possibilities to ask new questions and to verify the old hypotheses.

The digital database of AMUNATCOLL is also open to researchers working beyond the field of natural sciences who are looking in biodiversity for inspirations and patterns for their technical or technological concepts, and exploration of nature allows them to see different phenomena in time, and to understand better some cultural and social nuances.

Practical use

The AMUNATCOLL database contains a plethora of information about species and areas that are extremely important for nature conservation and environment protection. For this reason the database is a professional and reliable source of information about flora and fauna of areas which require any evaluation of the impact of urban development plans on the environment.

Free access to these data and special analytical tools available on-line will be extremely helpful for many experts and authorities who in their work focus on effective protection of biodiversity.

For the authorities monitoring the trade of taxa which are legally protected by the CITES convention, the digitized collections are an important source of information and comparative materials.